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The Isomorphic Software Blog

The Difference Between SmartClient and Smart GWT

We often get asked about the difference between SmartClient and Smart GWT. The answer is: ‘not much‘. When you’re running SmartGWT, you’re also running SmartClient When you are running SmartGWT, you are also running SmartClient.  You are using SmartClient’s widgets, data binding, browser compatibility, etc. See the SmartClient vs SmartGWT architecture diagrams below: As you can see, we only use the...

Coming in 12.1 (Part 3): Automatic Preferences, Notify System & Rqd Filter Criteria

New Notify system Want to provide a confirmation, warning, error, or other notification? The new “Notify” system in 12.1 is flexible and easy. The Notify system allows slide, fade or instant styles for both how the message arrives and how it disappears.  It also provides an option for stacking multiple notifications. Here’s an example from a soon-to-be-released web application: Find your...

Customer Success: Bespoke Web App Development

Most enterprises have innovative ideas for business applications that would streamline operations, generate more revenue, or provide some other competitive advantage. For a variety of reasons (don’t have the skills in house, don’t have available resources, etc.), these solutions often don’t get built. There are of course companies out there willing to develop custom web applications on their behalf. We...