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Category: Industry

Introducing SmartClient UI Components for React Applications

When building your web application in React, having the right UI component library is extremely crucial. Through Isomorphic Software’s SmartClient library, you have the most powerful, comprehensive suite of UI components for a React web application. Additionally, you can add UI screens to your React apps using the Reify component in the SmartClient UI library. These components provide unparalleled functionality...

Best Practices for Business Logic Validation

Validation is a critical aspect of any web application, especially in true web applications that offer advanced functionality for sophisticated users – people who use the application continuously, all day. Validation in such applications is often very complicated: validation rules may involve multiple related entities and complex conditional logic – it’s not just “integer greater than zero”. At Isomorphic, we...

Why Everything Is CRUD

Many web frameworks have very advanced support for the so-called “CRUD” operations, that is, Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete, also known in SQL as Insert, Select, Update and Delete. Often, when developers see the CRUD features in these frameworks – like data grids that know how to perform CRUD operations, as in SmartClient – they react by saying: well, that’s great...

Are lightweight components really what you need?

Business applications improve productivity. Improving productivity is why applications exist and why we are all employed to provide them. However, as developers, we sometimes get excited about new technologies and the benefits they claim to have. For example, a basic grid component with a very small amount of source code sounds very appealing. However, this simplicity is the wrong thing to...

The Difference Between SmartClient and Smart GWT

We often get asked about the difference between SmartClient and Smart GWT. The answer is: ‘not much‘. When you’re running SmartGWT, you’re also running SmartClient When you are running SmartGWT, you are also running SmartClient.  You are using SmartClient’s widgets, data binding, browser compatibility, etc. See the SmartClient vs SmartGWT architecture diagrams below: As you can see, we only use the...

Customer Success: Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust

Developing IT solutions to support research for new, more effective and efficient treatments for heart and lung disease. Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust is a partnership of two specialist hospitals, known throughout the world for their expertise, standard of care, and research success. RBH has achieved incredible things: performing the first successful heart and lung transplant in Britain,...