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Customer Success: Bespoke Web App Development

Last modified date

Most enterprises have innovative ideas for business applications that would streamline operations, generate more revenue, or provide some other competitive advantage. For a variety of reasons (don’t have the skills in house, don’t have available resources, etc.), these solutions often don’t get built.

There are of course companies out there willing to develop custom web applications on their behalf. We recently talked to Udo Kleiss (CTO) and Andre Arcara (Dev Manager) from Wolke Apps, who have been doing just that for many years. Wolke boasts a long list of customers, and the cloud-based web applications solutions they have built span most industries. They shared a couple of their solutions to help give us insight into what they do … and, of course, they do all this with Smart GWT:

#1 Chatbot Management and Data Analysis

This cloud-based web application displays data from a chatbot. Administrators and moderators can search, filter, view, analyze, edit and share information in a simple and intuitive way using Smart GWT capabilities such as listGrid, advanced search, and export. Clients view consolidated, managerial, and detail reports and charts via a dashboard of Smart GWT charts. The solution is international as strings are loaded from an external JSON file, which enables translation by non-connected users.

As you can see, it uses our Tahoe skin. 🙂

#2 Event Scheduling and Training

This application spans event scheduling, registrations, test evaluations, certifications, and reporting. The purpose is to get teenagers trained up and ready to join the workforce. The whole application was built with Smart GWT. However, Smart GWT was particularly useful in delivering complex calendaring, and all the charts necessary for comprehensive reporting. It was also very easy to connect to the database.

Why Smart GWT?

Wolke’s advantage comes from the calibre of their developers, and the performance of technologies they leverage. They have to:

  1. Provide powerful web applications that scale, with a UX that users love
  2. Develop very quickly
  3. Maintain solutions with minimal effort

So why did Wolke select Smart GWT to build all of their web applications?:

We’ve been working on cloud development for a while.  We were looking for a technology that would streamline our work, both in front-end creation and back-end, that would integrate with other java libraries and be easy to implement and maintain. Smart GWT was the best candidate and provided us with that and more.Andre Arcara, Dev Manager, Wolke Apps

Want to Try It?

To try Smart GWT for yourself, download our full featured 60 day free trial here.

You can also find our live showcase here.


The Isomorphic Team