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Author: jyeo

Have you heard of Adaptive Filtering?

Adaptive filtering helps make your applications run lightening fast, not only on the desktop, but also on tablets and smartphones. How does it do this? It automatically switches to client-side filtering when the dataset becomes small enough. In doing so, it eliminates up to 90% of the most costly types of server contact (searching through large datasets), dramatically improving responsiveness and scalability. Want to...

More New Features & How to Upgrade to 11 | 6

This is our third and final blog about upcoming features prior to 11|6 becoming generally available (just days away). See our first two blogs here: Read on to learn about: More 11|6 features FREE upgrades / upgrade discounts How to pre-test your application with 11|6 How to access 11|6 live samples New Feature: Resize Fonts and UI Controls...